Ever since I'm alive, I've been going on a yearly two-week summer holiday to Italy with our family. My parents know how to get the best out of a trip: we stay in an appartment close to the beach in the area of some cultural interesting places we want to visit. Every year another region. During the holiday our 'scedule' is: beach day - excurtion - beach day - excurtion...
Also in scedule: pizza and gelato (ice cream) every evening! YOIIOAY! (You're Only In Italy Once A Year!)
Above the yearly summer holiday, our grandparents took us often on camping weekends around Belgium with our nieces and nephew. We used to be the cool kids, skating around the camping. My high school took me on trips to Paris, Barcelona, Auchwitz and Norway, in art school we visited Paris, London and Düsseldorf.
Our religion teacher showed us the film into the wild of, the story of Chris McCandless: his limitless urge for adventure inspired me enormously.
For a group assignment he let us organise our ideal trip. We had to get as most as possible out of a fixed budget. Ours ended up as an
I had already seen quite a lot in Western Europe.
Every time when a new trip was planned, I couldn't stop thinking about it until the day was there. It's the only way to get a proper break from your daily routines at home: away from school, household tasks, irritating siblings,...
Then I saw the TED talk of Tomislav Perko. This was a life changer for me.